IPL laser hair removal – Pre and Post treatment advice



Please inform us immediately if you are unable to adhere to the below advice as you may not be suitable for IPL treatment at this time:

Pre Treatment Advice

8 weeks prior to treatment
  • No waxing, plucking or threading for at least 8 weeks and/or between treatments.
4 weeks prior to treatment
  • Do not expose the skin to UV or self tan for at least 4 weeks before and/or between IPL treatments
1 week prior to treatment
  • Avoid intense exfoliation, microdermabrasion or peels
24-48 hours prior to treatment
  • Do not use bleaching creams or perfumed products
Please also:
  • Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before or after treatment.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes when attending treatment sessions
  • Hydrate the body by drinking plenty of water.
  • Protect the skin from sun exposure with suitable clothing and use sunblock SPF 30+ before first treatment and between subsequent treatment sessions but do not use sun blocking creams within 24 hours of scheduled treatments.

Post Treatment Care

For 48 hours
  • Avoid all heat treatments including hot baths, saunas, steam baths and hot showers.
  • No swimming in strongly chlorinated water.
  • Do not use bleaching creams.
  • Avoid perfumed products e.g. soaps, creams or perfumes.
  • Leave any temporary skin responses such as redness to subside naturally.
  • Do not touch, pick scratch or otherwise irritate the treated area.
For 72 hours
  • No shaving.
For 1 week
  • Do not exfoliate the treated area or use peel.
For 2 weeks
  • No UV exposure
  • No self tan
  • Avoid waxing, plucking, threading (at all times during a course)
  • Avoid depilation creams
  • Avoid prolonged outdoor activity that may expose the skin to a lot of wind or sun.
For 6 weeks
  • Use sun protection SPF30+
  • Limit sun exposure and do not use tanning beds.
  • Hot and humid conditions can aggravate skin immediately after treatment. Skin cooling can be very helpful, a cold compress or aloe vera gel can improve comfort and reduce any swelling or redness.

*Disclaimer* Treatment results may vary from person to person.

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